SKIM Turf Management software provides continuous monitoring of the golf course with 50,000 data points per week in average for an 18 holes golf course. Weekly measurements contribute to a continuously growing database that allows to practically observe the evolution of the golf course. All data is stored in the cloud which allows you to access historical data and makes tracking easier. To help perform analytics, SKIM contains an advanced reporting module which allows to retrieve and present data in an easy way.
Let’s discover a few examples:
#1 Trend visibility and pattern recognition are crucial to maintain stable and proper golf course conditions. With SKIM Turf Management software you can analyze the performance of different turf health indicators YoY. The curves can be adjusted to see monthly or weekly measurements. Add the parameters of your choice, and easily observe the behavior of the course over time.

#2 Easily find out the dependencies between indices and fluctuations of their levels thanks to the Trends tab in SKIM. You con overlay the performance of two indicators (in the example below we chose Biomass - NDVI and Nitrogen) to observe trends during the season. Quickly define the time period with pre-set buttons and decide on which part of the course you are focusing. Automatically collected data by SKIM also can be interpreted with the weather conditions, for example temperatures and precipitations.

#3 To deepen the analysis, you can also focus on specific categories of indicators and easily recover average values over time. For all reports, we can select the scope of analysis: the entire course, multiple or specific holes, multiple or specific parts. Various diagrams help you to obtain a quick understanding and visuals of the status of the turf condition.

Adopt data-driven practices with easy-to-use and clear reports. SKIM contains a complete reporting tool to leverage when analyzing past performance, measuring the impact of performed activities or events, planning budgets, decision making or presentations.